PPG™ Refinish, a division of PPG™ Industries, is a global leader in the refinish paint and coatings industry. PPG™ delivers the most comprehensive set of training, tools and services for collision repair facilities across the world using the best resources available; some of whom are collision repair center owners themselves. The MVP Business Solutions Program seeks to provide collision repair business partners with training and business development services to encourage interdependent success by turning industry challenges into opportunities.
The experts at Gipe Auto Color can design or recommend PPG™ MVP training classes and programs for your business. Keep reading for an overview of MVP Business Solutions from the experts at PPG™.
Lean for Collision
In order to improve operations, it is necessary to step back and observe and understand your current processes. It is only through this analysis that you will be able to objectively critique and suggest improvements that will ultimately improve the health of your business. PPG can help through the Lean for Collision course.
Business Courses
The MVP Business Development Series courses are the industry’s most widely attended for collision center management. These courses also lead the industry in accreditations for I-CAR and AMI. This series offers numerous one and two-day courses encompassing all aspects of managing a profitable collision repair business. These courses cover the following areas:
Annually, the MVP Conference offers collision repair professionals the opportunity to interact with and learn from leading collision industry experts. Gain a different perspective by listening to high-level keynote presenters, attending cutting edge seminars and workshops as well as the opportunity to network with other people.
Market Your Shop
The collision repair business becomes more competitive and complex with each passing year. In order to maintain a competitive edge, solid and consistent marketing efforts are essential. Technology advancement has affected marketing almost as much as collision repair and the role web-based marketing, email marketing, direct mail and social media marketing are talked about in our industry on a daily basis. This suite of courses will make sure you are current with available marketing tools.
Tools & Services
Are you thinking of building a new shop or additional location? Is it time to re-engineer your current space to accommodate the latest new equipment? Consulting from MVP Solutions can make sure your big decision is the right decision. Over 1,000 facilities have taken advantage of layout services alone. The MVP Solutions team of Six Sigma Blackbelts can provide the support, information and technology you need to ensure your project is a success.
About Gipe Auto Color
To learn more about MVP Solutions from PPG™ call Gipe Auto Color at 502.966.2384, Monday through Friday between 8am and 5pm.
With over 50 team members and 9 locations serving Kentucky, Southern Indiana, Southeast Illinois, and Northwest Tennessee, Gipe Auto Color is one of the largest PPG™ Platinum Distributors in the region. We have seven dedicated tech reps certified in all PPG™ automotive refinish product lines. Their primary duty is to help customers apply PPG™ coatings using techniques that ensure maximum performance day in and day out.
Our service does not stop in the paint shop. We offer assistance in process evaluation, development of standard operating procedures, inventory management, performance data analysis, and targeted improvement strategies with an emphasis on customer profitability.