Collision repair shops face ever increasing demands from work providers and vehicle owners to improve Quality,Speedand Cost. Gipe Auto Color understands the importance of meeting those demands and has been in the business of providing tools, training and support to all of our valued customers to do just that.
Collision parts typically represent over 40% of a collision center’s sales volume and are critical to achieving delivery and cycle time goals. Given this contribution to the repair process and your shops profitability, parts must be managed with structure, organization and critical, streamlined timing included in solid business practices.
Gipe Auto Color, in partnership with PPG’s MVP Business Solutions group, presented and informative class entitled “Business of Parts Management” on Tuesday, March 26.
We were able to offer the opportunity for our customers across the state to gather under one roof at our Louisville, KY location to obtain valuable information on how to maximize parts production and profitability ensuring success in their shops, free of chargeas our commitment to a continued successful partnership.
Attendees, ranging from shop owners to shop managers, parts managers and various administrative positionswalked away with a better understanding of the financial impact parts management plays in their business. Key measures and metrics necessary for measuring parts management, parts management impacts on overall value stream and time effect of failure loops, how to negotiate and select parts vendors and manage parts relationships with regards to repair planning were all topics addressed during this valuable course.
In addition to gaining a better understanding of the parts management impact on business, our attendees were also introduced to critical parts ordering, receiving, storage and returns processes to ensure a streamlined process can be set in place.
Everyone who attended received a thumb drive and packet with tools developed by PPG to drive their profits and shop processes to new heights.
Our on-going training courses offer real world insight into how you can meet, and even exceed expectations, given today’s market challenges.
The key to success in the collision repair industry is at your fingertips with ongoing training and support offered to all of our customers. Our seasoned team and industry partnerships allow us the ability to incorporate real-world expertise, along with practical and relevant business curriculum.
We invite you to explore more on how a partnership with Gipe Auto Color can improve your performance and profitability in an increasingly competitive marketplace. For more information, visit us online.
Check the news page for information about upcoming events.
Gipe Auto Color’s mission is to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with our customers by providing customer focused services, products, and solutions. We look forward to hearing from you soon.